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Human Trafficking needs ‘Talitha Kum’

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Pope Francis’ address to  the general assembly of “talitha kum” 
Thursday, 23 May 2024

Talitha Kum is an international network of Catholic sisters and brothers against human traffickingTalitha Kum means ‘little girl, get up’. It is a phrase from the story of the raising of Jairus’ daughter

‘Human trafficking is a “systemic” evil – it needs a systematic, multi-level approach’

Dear sisters and brothers of Talitha Kum!

I am pleased to welcome you at the end of your second General Assembly and on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of your network’s foundation.
I am very grateful for what you do, both individually and all together, to combat human trafficking, one of the most terrible scourges of our time.

Human trafficking is a “systemic” evil, and therefore we can and must eliminate it through a systematic, multi-level approach. Trafficking is fuelled by wars and conflicts, thrives on the effects of climate change and socio-economic disparities, and exploits the vulnerability of those forced to migrate and the conditions of inequality in which they find themselves, especially women and girls.

Trafficking is a “business” that disrespects and violates human dignity and generates large profits for the unscrupulous. Trafficking is constantly evolving and finding new ways to develop, as it did during the pandemic. But we must not be discouraged. With the power of the Spirit of Jesus Christ and the commitment of so many, we can eradicate it.

We must continue along the path of what you in Talitha Kum have always done: to stand with the victims, listen to them, help them get back on their feet and work together to combat human trafficking..

In order to be truly effective against this despicable criminal phenomenon, we must be a community. This is well expressed by the theme of your Assembly: Journeying Together to End Human Trafficking: Compassion in Action for Transformation.

This is no easy task, but over the past 15 years you have shown us, on every level, that it can be done. Talitha Kum has become an extensive global network and, at the same time, deeply rooted in the local Churches.  It has become a point of reference for victims, their families, those at risk and the most vulnerable communities. Moreover, your appeals are a powerful reminder to local and national institutions and governments to assume their responsibilities in this regard.

I encourage you to continue on this path, promoting prevention and care, and weaving together many valuable relationships that are indispensable to combating and eradicating trafficking in human beings.

Dear sisters and brothers, I join you in thanking the Lord for all the work he has enabled you to do in these years. I will read your document carefully and promote it. May the Blessed Mother always accompany and protect you. I cordially bless you and your communities. Please continue to pray for me. Thank you very much.

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