For a Europe inspired by the principle of fraternity The European Forum Alpbach is an Austrian nonprofit organisation and foundation based in Vienna, Austria. It is...
Illustration: The Law and the Gospel by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1529); Moses and Elijah point the sinner to Jesus for salvation. JOHN PAUL II - GENERAL AUDIENCE - Wednesday 26...
Pope Francis' address to the Afghan Community Association in ItalyWednesday, 7 August 2024 "One cannot, in the name of God, incite contempt for others, hatred and...
Image: Muse, perhaps Clio, reading a scroll (Attic red-figure lekythos, Boeotia, c. 430 BC) Pope Francis' letter on the role of literature in the formation of priests , indeed of all...
Pope Francis' Message to the Youth Festival in MedjugorjeRome, at St. John Lateran Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul the Apostles, 29 June 2024 "Heralds of...
To Participants in the XIII International Pilgrimage of Altar Servers to Rome The Pontiff's greeting to the participants of the 13th International Pilgrimage of Ministries -...
Pope Francis' address to the meeting of aid agencies for the oriental churches (r.o.a.c.o.)Clementine Hall - Thursday, 27 June 2024 Dear Friends, In welcoming you at...