Pope Francis’ address to the Uniapac International CongressPaul VI Audience, Vatican City, 21 October 2022 UNIAPAC is an oecumenical organization of Christian Business Leaders Associationsfrom...
Address of the Holy Father Francis to the participants of the"centesimus annus - pro pontifice" (CAPP for short)The name commemorates the 100th year after Rerum...
Pope Francis’ address to the international summit: “sport for all. cohesive, accessible and tailored to each person”Paul VI Audience Hall - Friday, 30 September 2022 Sports find...
Pope Francis address to the meeting of deloitte global Paul VI Audience Hall - Thursday, 22 September 2022 “Deloitte” is the brand under which approximately 330,000 dedicated professionals in...
Pope Francis discourseat the public assembly of confederation of industryPaul VI Hall - Monday, 12 September 2022 “The life of entrepreneurs in the Church has...
Pope Francis’ address to the 3rd international congress of catechistsPaul VI Audience Hall - Saturday, 10 September 2022 The new Directory for Catechesis will be very...
On 10 October 2020, in the unique setting of the upper basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, Carlo Acutis is declared blessed. Cardinal Agostino Vallini,...
Arthur Downer was 12 years old in 1955 when he entered Redemptorist St Clements College, Limerick, Ireland as a full time boarding clerical student. ...