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Pope Francis is with middle east Catholics

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Pope Francis’ letter to the Catholics of the Middle East
October 7th 2024

“You are a seed loved by God.
Just as a seed, seemingly pressed down by the earth that covers it,
can always find its way upwards, towards the light, to bear fruit and give life”.

Dear brothers and sisters,

I think of you and pray for you.  I wish to join you on this sad day.
A year ago the fuse of hatred flared; it did not go out, but deflagrated in a spiral of violence, in the shameful inability of the international community and the most powerful countries to silence the weapons and put an end to the tragedy of war.  Blood flows, as do tears
Anger increases, along with the desire for revenge, while it seems that few care about what is most needed and what people want: dialogue, peace.
I never tire of repeating that war is a defeat, that weapons do not build the future but destroy it, that violence never brings peace. History proves this, yet years and years of conflict seem to have taught us nothing.

And you, brothers and sisters in Christ who dwell in the places of which the Scriptures speak most often, are a small, defenseless flock, thirsting for peace.
Thank you for who you are, thank you for wanting to remain in your lands thank you for knowing how to pray and love despite everything.  You are a seed loved by God.
Just as a seed, seemingly pressed down by the earth that covers it, can always find its way upwards, towards the light, to bear fruit and give life.
So you do not let yourselves be swallowed up by the darkness that surrounds you
But planted in your sacred lands, become sprouts of hope, because the light of faith leads you
to bear witness to love when hatred is spoken of
to encounter when confrontation is rampant,
to unity when everything turns to opposition.

With a father’s heart I address you, God’s holy people; you, children of your ancient Churches, today ‘martyrs’; you, seeds of peace in the winter of war; you who believe in Jesus ‘meek and humble of heart’ (Mt 11:29 –  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls) and in Him become witnesses of the power of an unarmed peace.

People today do not know how to find peace, and we Christians must not tire of asking God for it
That is why today I have invited everyone to live a day of prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting are the weapons of love that change history, the weapons that defeat our one true enemy: the spirit of evil that foments war, because it is ‘murderous from the beginning’, ‘a liar and the father of lies’ (Jn 8:44 – You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies).
Please, let us devote time to prayer and rediscover the saving power of fasting!

There is one thing that I wish to say to you, from the bottom of my heart, dear brothers and sisters, but also to the men and women of every confession and religion who in the Middle East are suffering from the insanity of war: I am close to you, I am with you.

I am with you, inhabitants of Gaza, battered and exhausted, who are in my thoughts and prayers every day.

I am with you, forced to leave your homes, to abandon schooling and work and to wander in search of a destination to escape the bombs..

I am with you, mothers who shed tears looking at your dead or wounded children, like Mary seeing Jesus; with you, little ones who inhabit the great lands of the Middle East, where the plots of the powerful take away your right to play.

I am with you, who are afraid to look up, because fire rains down from heaven.

I am with you, who have no voice, because there is so much talk of plans and strategies, but little of the concrete situation of those who suffer war, which the powerful make others do; on them, however, hangs the unyielding enquiry of God (cf. Wis 6:8 – But a strict inquiry is in store for the mighty.).

I am with you, who thirst for peace and justice, who do not surrender to the logic of evil and in the name of Jesus ‘love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you’” (Mt 5:44 – But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,).

Thank you, children of peace, for consoling the heart of God, wounded by man’s evil.
And thank you to all those throughout the world who help you; to them, who care for the hungry, sick, stranger, abandoned, poor and needy Christ in you, I ask you to continue to do so with generosity
And thank you, brother bishops and priests, who bring God’s consolation to human solitudes

Please look to the holy people you are called to serve and let your hearts be touched, leaving behind, for love of your faithful, all division and ambition

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, I bless you and embrace you with heartfelt affection.
May Our Lady, Queen of Peace, watch over you.  May Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church, protect you.



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