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Pope Francis’ message to European Forum Alpbach

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For a Europe inspired by the principle of fraternity

The European Forum Alpbach is an Austrian nonprofit organisation and foundation based in Vienna, Austria. 
It is best known for hosting the event of the same name in the village of Alpbach.

“Reduce polarisations and remain open to the world around them:

We publish below the text of the Holy Father’s message.

Dear participants of the Alpbach European Forum! 

I am pleased to be able to say a few words to you today. 
When I think of Europe, I think first and foremost of the continent of human rights.
It is here that the most important universal human rights have developed.

We are currently living in a time of crisis in Europe, which like any crisis brings with it dangers and opportunities; a time when various populist movements are enjoying great popularity. 
The reasons for this are mainly in economic and political factors.
We can therefore see that in Europe, as a result of this populist “wave”, some ideals have been distorted and some principles relating to behavior towards the weakest members of society have been pushed into the background.

These are ideals and principles that deserve special importance,
Those of human dignity and fraternity have always been linked to the Gospel matrix.
Today the cultural context has changed, and the Church is called to live in a secularized society;.
This should not surprise or frighten us, because we know very well that God is present there too
Rather, as Christians, we strive with renewed motivation to bring the richness of Catholic social teaching with its claim to universality.
Even the European Union, since its foundation, has had universalistic features, and it is to be hoped that it will not lose them. 
In this sense, the aspect of fraternity is particularly important. 
It follows that European societies are called upon to find ways of reducing polarisation within themselves and to remain open to the world around them.

Dear participants in the Alpbach European Forum, I thank you for your commitment, in the midst of the social challenges of our time, and I hope that you will be “contagious” witnesses of European ideals. 
I bless you from my heart and ask you to pray for me. Thank you! 

Rome, 21 August 2024 


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