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Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network

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Pope Francis greetings to the pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network Foundation

Sala dei Papi Thursday, 23 January 2025



Dear brothers and sisters, welcome!

I greet all of you, members of the International Bureau, Continental Coordinators, Board Members, Permanent Partners and, in particular, those who support the Foundation to ensure stability and momentum in its activity. Thank you all!

I am happy that you have joyfully accepted the Encyclical Dilexit Nos, (He loved us) on the human and divine love of the Heart of Christ.
In it you find the substantial nourishment that nourishes the spirituality of your work, of your apostolate.
I like that you call this spirituality the “path of the Heart”.
And I would like to read this expression in a twofold sense:
1. It is the journey of Jesus, of his sacred Heart, through the mystery of incarnation, passion, death and resurrection; and
2. It is also the journey of our hearts, wounded by sin, which allows itself to be conquered and transformed by love.

On this journey of the heart, we are guided, as always, by our Mother, Mary, who precedes us on the pilgrimage of faith and hope.
She teaches us to keep – to guard – in our hearts the words and gestures of Jesus.
Do not forget this word: to guard.
This, as you well know, is the work of the Holy Spirit.
There is no journey of the heart with Christ without the living water of the Holy Spirit.

Dear sisters and brothers, I think that the Worldwide Prayer Network will make a very important contribution to the Jubilee, helping individuals and communities to live its spirit, as a journey in which prayer and compassion, prayer and closeness to the least, prayer and works of mercy are inseparably combined.  Thank you, thank you very much!

Go forward with joy, always with joy, collaborating with one another.
I bless you from my heart.  Thank you!

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