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Violence against women is a poisonous weed!

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Pope Francis’ message for the National Campaign against Violence against Women
organized by Rai Radio1 Gr1 & Cadmi D.I.Re

“the mass media still play an ambiguous role”

Dear brothers and sisters,

I would like to thank the promoters of the initiative “A long wave against male violence against women”, which allows us to reflect on a very topical issue.  In fact, violence against women is a poisonous weed that afflicts our society and that must be eradicated at the roots.  And these roots are cultural and mental, growing in the soil of prejudice, possessiveness and injustice.

In too many places and in too many situations, women are relegated to the background.
They are considered “inferior”.  They are considered as objects: and if a person is reduced to an object, her dignity is no longer seen.
She is considered only as a property to be disposed of in everything, even to the point of oppression.

How many women are overwhelmed by the weight and drama of violence!
How many are mistreated, abused, enslaved, victims of the arrogance of those who think they can dispose of their bodies and their lives, forced to surrender to the greed of men.

Unfortunately, the mass media still play an ambiguous role in this.
On the one hand, they promote the respect and advancement of women;
On the other hand, they constantly transmit messages of hedonism and consumerism, whose models, both male and female, obey the criteria of success, self-affirmation, competition, and the power to attract and dominate others.

But where there is domination, there is abuse!  It is not love that demands captives.  The Lord wants us to be free and in full dignity!
Faced with the scourge of physical and psychological abuse of women, there is an urgent need to rediscover forms of just and balanced relationships, based on mutual respect and recognition.
Conditioning of any kind must be countered by an educational action that places the person and his or her dignity at the center, beginning with the family,.

It is our duty, our responsibility, to give voice to our voiceless sisters: women who are victims of abuse, exploitation, marginalization and undue pressure.
We are not indifferent!
It is necessary to act immediately, at all levels, with determination, urgency and courage.

Salvation came from the heart and flesh of a woman.
The way we treat women, in all their dimensions, reveals our degree of humanity.

Dear friends, I hope that this “wave”, you are starting today, will be truly long and will contribute to a change of mentality.
I bless you and encourage you to continue in this commitment. Thank you and good work!

From the Vatican, 27 October 2023. – POPE FRANCIS

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